Wedding reportage, storyteller, pose photographer, documentary photographer
So many ways to describe the style with which a photographer tells a wedding. The word “wedding reportage” is widely used but often misunderstandings arise and very common are photographers who direct many situations, who call the newlycouples asking them to smile, to look, to repeat moments (oh my god!), when instead the newlycouples asking about the “wedding reportage” they hoped to find a photographer who wouldn’t bother them.
Photographers are not careful to have a precise label that defines them in the description of the way to tell a wedding. But one thing is certain, a good photographer is invisible, he/she does not disturb, he/she is always present in every moment, it is essential not to let his/her presence be perceived in order to obtain spontaneous and natural photographs.
We mainly produce a reportage, but not completely, because if the bride and groom want to spend time with us for couple photos, in that case they guide and direct them. We choose the perfect background, laugh, joke and chat, or simply enjoy the silence of their intimacy.
Despite everything, we are very quick because we want the couple to have fun again.
How fast? 20 minutes, maximum 30 … if we’re lucky!
This year we happened to have to capture couple photos in 3 minutes and 40 seconds! Indeed, this time was divided between us and the filmmaker! It is in these moments that we must have clear ideas.
For the rest of the day, we are curious guests, walking around, all the time, and combining reality with our imagination, we tell the story of the wedding.
The following is the marriage of Milena & Domenico.
Hope you like it!

If you want to ask for information on the story of your wedding click below
Photography: Matteo Lomonte & Federica Ariemma
Film: Jo & Lia
Mua: Kiro studio estetica
Bride Dress: Atelier Eme